AI Co-Workers To
10x Cold Emails

Hire an AI specialist to research, qualify and write personalised emails like a top 1% expert.
Increase reply rates and book meetings on autopilot.
MacBook mockup
Trusted by start-ups and agencies of all sizes

Introducing Layla:
Your Dedicated AI Co-Worker

Simply chat with Layla to automate end to end B2B cold email sales process using plain english.
No need to learn any new tools.

Step 1: Layla learns about your prospecting goals to do qualification

Layla will do tedious and repetitive filtering of lead lists on your behalf on autopilot in seconds.

Step 2: Layla uses Google to research insights on prospects

Finds insights on your prospects via news, company initiatives, experiences, and more.

Step 3: Writes hyper personalised emails in your tone & voice

Uses insights like a top 1% sales pro to tailor 1000's of messages. Get new meetings like clockwork.

Your AI co-worker does both the research and writing for you.

Fully Customisable Qualification Critieria

Create any type of niche filters via chat. Layla removes all companies that don't fit your target market.

Find Data From Any Website
Or Data Provider

Layla does your research in seconds using 10+ data providers, website scrapers, and PDF extracters.

Ghostwrites Personalised Emails At Scale   

No one can tell the personalised messages are written by AI. Sends in your name and email.

Syncs With Your Email Sequencing Tool

Free assistance with email warm up and integrating personalised messages
using {{variables}}.

Harness limitless research to
write compelling emails

Better research leads to better emails. Craft unique, personalized emails for thousands of prospects at once using social media activity, technologies used, business risks and more.

A second brain to help
with closing deals

> 95% of Leads Within Target Profile
2x Reply Rates
20 Hours Saved Weekly
Sit back and let Layla do the hard work, all at
less than 1 cent per action!  
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We were getting limited gains from our manual efforts. Moving to AgentScale was a lightbulb moment because we can finally qualify and do highly targeted outreach at scale on autopilot.

Harry Chiang
Brew Agency